If you are stopped and are asked the following questions, what will you answer? How do you think anyone will answer?
- Will you give up your seat to those who need them more?
- Will you move in for others to board?
- Do you feel that it is faster for everyone when you queue up and give way to alighting passengers?
Well, I can bet you that 9 out of 10 (if not, 10 out of 10) people will answer "Yes!" to all three questions. So, I am not surprised by the result of the survey...
- 94% say that they will give up their seats to those who need them more.
- 96% say that they will move in for others to board.
- 98% felt that it is faster for everyone when they queue up and give way to alighting passengers.
I mean, what do you really think the answers will be to such questions?
But the fact of the matter is, if you need such a campaign, doesn't it mean that you realised that there is a problem that needs to be solved? How does putting up such posters solve anything? I personally do not see commuters doing so.
I do not have the answers to solve the problem. But I definitely do feel like screaming at the people who are standing in the middle of the train carriage with so much spaces around them, refusing to move in, while those near the door are squashed like oranges and those in the station are unable to board.
And to those 1000 that were surveyed, remember that actions speak louder than words.
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