agitated spider

Saw the most surprising watch that uses the Singlish term "kan cheong spider" very well! It was unexpected, and definitely put a smile on my face. What better use than to put it on a watch face!

And to those not familiar with the colloquial Singaporean English, Singlish, term, here's the meaning (thanks to the Singlish dictionary)
kan cheong /kahn cheong, kɑn tʃiːɒŋ/ a. [Cant. 紧 kan urgent, in haste, pressing, important + 张 cheung to bend a bow; to extend, to stretch; to open; Mand. jĭnzhāng nervous, keyed up; tense, intense, strained: jĭn urgent, pressing, tense + zhāng open, spread, stretch; magnify, exaggerate
Also kancheong. 1 Nervous, keyed up. 2 Tense, intense, strained. 
Comb.: kan cheong spider n. & a. [Eng.] A n. A person with a nervous disposition, one who is easily flustered. B a. Kan cheong.

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